
Academic Clubs provide resources and opportunities for students to excel on topics that they enjoy and get involved with other school based activities. 

 Read more below about each of our Academic clubs to learn more and how to get in contact with the leader. 

Club Name
AFJROTC Color Guard
Advisor MSgt Corey Pennypacker
Contact 302-241-2400
Time/Date Mondays 2:45 to 4:00pm
Description Prepares cadets to present the Colors at over 80 events per year. Our most important Club in AFJROTC (Cadet led).

Department AFJROTC

Science Olympiad Logo 
Club Name
Science Olympiad
Advisor Ms. Weiping Song
Contact 302-241-2400
Time/Date Wednesdays 2:30 to 3:30pm
Description Science Olympiad is a national organization that challenges students in all areas of STEM. With 23 rotating events covering genetics, chemistry, earth science, anatomy and physiology, physics, tech, and many others, students can dive deeper into these disciplines than the classroom allows.

Department Science

HOSA Logo 
Club Name
Healthcare Occupations
Students of America (HOSA)
Advisor Ms. Shaneeda Shaw-Kicks, RN MSN
Ms. Ashley Hewish, RN, ADN
Contact 302-241-2400
Time/Date Mondays 2:30pm to 3:15pm
Description This club is called HOSA (Healthcare Occupations Students of America). This club consists of both girls and boy members. We participate in the homecoming parade, and various fundraisers, the club also participates in spring competitive events held at the state level. The members also participate in Bayhealth's Youth Explorers program. The Explorers meet every second Wednesday of the month. The program consists of staff at Bayhealth introducing them to various areas of the hospital.

Department Career and Technical Education - CNA

Club Name
Math League
Advisors Mr. Adam Kelly (10-12th grade)(Room A302)
Ms. Kimberly Parker (9th grade)
Contact [email protected]
[email protected]
Time/Date Practice 2:30PM-3:30PM on Wednesdays (Room A302)
Meets 3:30 pm to 5:00 pm
#1 (10/23), #2 (11/13). #3 (12/11), #4(1/22)
Description Math League is a math competition team that provides students a setting to do what they do best – solve intricate mathematical problems. Students compete in monthly regional competitions from October to January, with a state invitational competition in March, if qualified.

Department Math

Senator D Logo 
Club Name
The Doverian (Yearbook)
Advisor Ms.Madison Kinsey
Contact 302-241-2400
Time/Date Class Period - TBD/Thursdays after school
Description Staff of the Doverian takes pictures, creates articles, sells ads, creates advertisements, promotes the book and organizes the school yearbook.

Department Class

Technology Student Association Logo 
Club Name Technology Student
Association (TSA)
Advisor Dr. Carolyn Cohee (AET)
Ms. Danyel Burgett (DCT)
Contact 302-241-2400
Time/Date Tuesdays and Wednesdays 2:30pm to 4:00pm
Description The Technology Student Association enhances personal development, leadership, and career opportunities in STEM, whereby members apply and integrate these concepts through intra-curricular activities, competitions, and related programs. 

Department Career and Technical Education - Communication Technology

Club Name Family, Career and Community
Leaders of America (FCCLA)
Advisor Ms. Shameka Chandler
Contact 302-241-2400
Time/Date Wednesdays 2:30pm to 3:30pm
Description The FCCLA student (CTSO) organization focuses on impacting families and communities through service and leadership. Students are challenged to engage in service learning projects, bring awareness to issues impacting children and families and become leaders in every field of human endeavor. The FCCLA organization is directly related to the Early Childhood Education and the Culinary Career pathways.

Department Career and Technical Education - Early Childhood Academy

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