College and Career Readiness


At Dover High School, students will complete a career pathway! Students must complete three years of a pathway in order to be a completer! Students will also have opportunities for participation in Work-Based Learning in pathways. 

Applying for college?

Prepare for a life-changing event: A college degree is the surest path to a stable future. Applying to college marks the beginning of a journey that requires persistence and focus. As such, completing and submitting a college application can seem overwhelming. But during College Application Month in October and November, you’ll receive plenty of guidance.

Every year Dover High School hosts a College Application Week.

2021-2022 CAM WEEK 
October 11th through November 19th!!! 
Make sure you are checking Schoology for all updates and events!!!

This provides students with time during the day to fill out and submit college applications. During these sessions, counselors, teachers and volunteers will be available to help students fill out applications and answer any questions you may have.


Naviance Student Overview

We are pleased to introduce Naviance Student – a comprehensive website that you and your student can use to make plans about colleges, and careers. Naviance Student is linked with Naviance, a service that we use in our office to track and analyze data about college and career plans, so it provides up-to-date information that’s specific to our school.

Naviance Student allows your student to:
Get involved in the planning and advising process – Build a resume, complete online surveys, and manage timelines and deadlines for making decisions about colleges and careers.

Research colleges – Compare GPA, standardized test scores, and other statistics to actual historical data from our school for students who have applied and been admitted in the past Research careers – Research hundreds of careers and career clusters, and take career assessments

Create plans for the future – Create goals and to-dos, and complete tasks assigned by the school to better prepare your student for future college and career goals.
Request Letters of Recommendations - Add colleges and request teachers directly for recommendations in one place! 

Request Transcripts- Initial and Mid Year (current seniors)

Start drafting your college essay.

Most college applications require a personal statement essay. Colleges want to know who you are and why you would be a good fit for their school. Your essay should be unique and express your personality, goals and interests. Be creative and ask family and teachers for feedback on your writing. Have your essay ready for College Application Week on a flash drive or as an email attachment. For additional help and guidance, please see your school counselor or your English teacher.

Register for/take the SAT or ACT.

Some schools require test scores for admission. All Delaware juniors take the SATs in the spring. Taking the test again often results in higher scores. Check the testing dates in advance so you can plan out the timing of taking the SAT again to try and improve your scores. You can register here for the SAT. Some students prefer to take the ACT test, which is also accepted at many colleges. Register here for the ACT. Both sites have links to study resources and practice tests. There also are forms you can fill out to receive a fee waiver to cover the costs of these tests. Check with your school counselor for additional information on fee waivers.

Attend workshops of preparing and paying for college.

Check with your school counselors to see if they’re holding a financial aid information session and plan to attend.

How do I apply to College?


9th Grade Parent Action Plan: Helpful Tips to prepare for High School

10th and 11th
grade checklist: How to prepare for College in 10th and 11th Grade

12th grade checklist:
How to prepare for your freshman year of college: Click Here

COLLEGE VISITS - Please check Schoology

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