9th Grade Academy

As you embark upon the next phase of your education, please know that you  are in very good company.  You are becoming part of our 9th Grade Academy. The mission of the 9th grade academy is to inspire and advance academic achievement for all students through excellence in teaching, learning and equitable practices. Students will be challenged to be successful, caring, life-long learners and active members of the global community. 



Dr. Tina Pinkett   [email protected]  


Mrs. Melissa Tooles   [email protected]

Ms. Gwendolyn Haar   [email protected]  

Ms. Shannon Howell   [email protected]  

Ms. Carolyn Palmer      [email protected]  

Mr. Julius Robinson       [email protected]  

Dr. Lane Carter       [email protected]

Ms. Joanne O'Connor         [email protected]
Ms. VeKela Lewis [email protected]

Ms. Danielle Campagnini            [email protected]  
Ms. Brittany Cole         [email protected]   
Ms. Jacqueline Griffith [email protected]
Ms. Angelica Jones [email protected]


Social Studies 
Ms. Dianne Beck [email protected]  
Ms. Leann Ferguson [email protected]  
Ms. Laura Hudson         [email protected]  
Mr. Rudy Simonetti         [email protected]
Ms. Wendy Omans [email protected]  

Self Determination

The SDLMI was designed to enable teachers to teach students to self-direct their own learning; that is, to enable students to become causal agents in their lives. That’s not to say that students won’t still need support - we all do. The purpose of the SDLMI is to provide a teaching model that enables teachers to support students to become more effective at initiating and self-regulating action toward goal setting and attainment. 

Being self-determined means acting 
causing things to happen in your life.
Choice making
Decision making
Goal setting
Self management


Academy Expectations


Students will attend class daily, and be prepared to work at the start of class. A student is considered TARDY if not seated when the bell rings for the beginning of class. A student is considered ABSENT if a class, or a significant portion (10 minutes or more) of a class is missed.


All students are members of the Dover High School learning community. They are expected to show respect for themselves, and for their fellow students at all times, inside and outside of the classroom. This includes:

Always giving your individual best effort

Being quiet and listening when others are talking

Respecting school property, and the property of others

Remaining seated during class presentations by teachers or students

Using appropriate language (no swearing or put-downs, in any language)


The Dover High School staff is dedicated to providing a supportive environment for student learning. Ultimately, responsibility for that learning belongs to the student. In addition to the expectations above, all Hale students are expected to show responsibility for their own learning by:

Asking for help, especially from their teacher

Doing their own work (see Cheating, below)

Supporting other members of their learning community, both students and staff


Cheating is taking credit for any work that is not your own. No credit will be given for work that is other people's work. This can include copying on a test, copying homework, and plagiarising (copying from a published author without giving them proper credit). In the case of homework or tests, both persons will lose credit for the work.

Homework Tips

Homework plays an integral part in academic success at Dover High School. As students strive to manage the details of their lives more independently,parents may feel uninformed about homework and schoolwork. We hope this information helps in responding to some of the following often-heard statements regarding homework:

"I don't have any homework."

Homework is assigned daily. It can include reviewing notes, reading, reading and responses, written assignments, projects and preparation for quizzes and tests.

"I don't have to do the homework because I do well on the tests."

All students are expected to complete homework on a daily basis. Daily homework is a significant part of your student's learning and grade. 

"All I have to do is study for a test."

The emphasis at Dover High School is on learning the work as well as doing it.Tests are challenging and require preparation. Students should review all book notes, assignments, quizzes and reading handouts in studying for a test. Key words and phrases may be highlighted, reviewed, and flash cards can be prepared.

Resources and Services 

 Attendance Link 

Student Portal(Here you will find all things students will need)

Dover High School Calendar Student Handbook Link

21st Century Link

Fantastic 4 Bus Link  



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